Agustus 16, 2011

5 Ways to Overcome Easily Sunburned Skin

Photobucket5 ways to overcome easily sunburned skin.go to beautiful beaches such as Bali is not complete is not to bask in the sun too long but bask in the sun without sunscreen can cause sunburn and peeling. Besides sore, flaky skin also looks unattractive can even cause an infection. And that is an issue for us. order terhidar of all iyu and we remain a fun holiday follow her easy tips.

The following are some easy ways to treat skin peeling due to sunburn:

If the skin starts to peel, the first thing you should do is shower or bath using cold water. Cold water will help cool the skin and slow the peeling process. When it dries the skin, gently pat the skin using a clean towel and gently. Do not rub with towel, because it can accelerate and spread the peels.

Once you get out of the bathroom and the skin is dry, use a moisturizing lotion. Find a special moisturizer to skin sunburn or peeling. Generally, the lotion should contain aloe vera, which cools the skin, reduce inflammation and slow the peeling. Aloe vera is a natural cactus extract that has long been praised for its soothing. If you want you can also use aloe vera and apply it directly to the original abraded skin to aid healing, fighting the pain and avoid infection.

Do not carded
Do not scratch the blisters because it can cause permanent damage to the skin in the form of scars. If you are tempted to scratch itchy skin, soon overcome by placing ice cubes into the skin. Wrap a piece of ice with a soft cloth and place the cloth on the itchy area of skin. The itching will subside after the ice began to cool the skin.

After cooling the skin from the outside, it's time to treat the skin from the inside by drinking plenty of water. Healthy skin needs to keep hydrated. When skin is damaged such as sunburn, water consumption becomes more important. Drink plenty of water to give your skin all the energy needed to repair and revive the skin itself. If the skin starts to peel, be sure to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Do not be exfoliated
Flaky skin can contract the infection if you scratch or accidentally peeled. If there are parts of dead skin that hangs and you want to remove it, do not pull that part. Leboh good, use small scissors and take hatilan when it cut off the dead skin. Make sure you only cut the dead skin and do not tear the skin which is in the process of healing. After cutting off dead skin, apply an antibacterial ointment to the area.

To avoid having the sun burn the skin at a later date, be sure to always wear sunscreen to protect skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. If you plan to swim, be sure to re-apply sunscreen every time you get out of the water. When applying sunscreen, do not forget the hidden areas such as behind the ears. . Hopefully still fun vacation without fear of skin sunburn.

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Title: 5 Ways to Overcome Easily Sunburned Skin


4 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

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Lina CahNdeso mengatakan...

Memang betul, Gan. Jika kulit mulai mengelupas, saya akan mandi dan berendam menggunakan air dingin. Air dingin akan membantu mendinginkan kulit dan memperlambat proses pengelupasan. Ketika mengeringkan kulit, saya tepuk lembut kulit dengan menggunakan handuk bersih dan lembut. Tidak menggosok dengan handuk, karena dapat mempercepat dan menyebarkan kelupasan kulit.

Ani mengatakan...

Kunjungan buat bantu 3 pageview.. :-)

edughoni mengatakan...

komputer murah: ok mksih infonya

Cahdeso=betul cara yang bagus agar kulit tidak terkelupas

mas yanto= mksih bang atas PVnya

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