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helmet and Lover |
Women: Slowly, I'm afraid dear.
Male: No, this is very enjoyable.
Woman: No, it's no fun at all, please, I'm afraid!
Male: Good, But say first that you love me.
Woman: I love you! Now please Keep your bike.!
Male: Now give me a tight hug.
(And she does do it)
Male: Can you remove my helmet & you wear? This helmet is very disturbing to me!
(Women and even then complied)
To tomorrow day there are news in newspapers and on the internet a Harley Davidson motorcycle crashed into the fence of a building due to brake free from tension.
There are two people on a motorcycle, but only one survivor.
What happened is that in the middle of the journey, the man realized that the brake motor harleynya they were damaged, but he did not want his girlfriend to know.
He too asked her boyfriend to say she loved him & felt arms, because he knew it for the last time for him.
He then told her to wear a helmet so that his girlfriend will stay alive even if it means he will die .... Hiks
Have you ever loved someone as much as that? Or is it only limited attention, care, sms or call her just to make her happy?
Have you said once "I love you with all my body SOUL him ...?
Or are you just waiting to say that when you're in a situation like the one above the bike ..?
If not, you still have a chance to love him more deeply.
Do not keep feeling that love is only in the liver. Just because embarrassed to reveal it or to selfish you, immediately say to him that you are very Love.
Because life, love and fortune is the secret. This is the tragedy of the helmet and lover
Page Information Article
Title: Tragedy Helmet and Lover
URL: http://edughoni.blogspot.com/2011/07/tragedy-helmet-and-lover.html
2 komentar:
Hello nice weekend ;)
Quien-sabe.es=Hello too nice weekend friend..:))
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